How the INTRO Matchmaking Service Works
The INTRO style is personal, friendly and professional. If your experience of on-line dating hasn't been entirely successful, you'll really appreciate the one-to-one attention our professional matchmaking membership offers.
We understand that you want to meet real, like-minded people and that your time is precious. You may feel that all your friends are in relationships and that you don't have the opportunity to meet new single professional people.
We understand that this is an emotive and sensitive area, we are empathetic and we listen to you. We offer constructive advice and support you to discover somebody who will bring out the best in you. We have experts on our team to help and support you on this journey to discovering a new happiness.
Here's an overview of our step-by step approach:

Call or email us for an initial chat with a friendly and approachable consultant. There is no obligation to join, we are not hard-sell – this has to feel right for you.

We meet all our clients face-to-face. We spend the time to understand your motivations and aspirations, as well as completing the necessary identity checks, which help all our members have confidence in the people they will meet through INTRO.

Your profile
We'll help create a great personal profile for you - this details your interests, values, the sort of matches you are looking for and includes photos (which we'll be happy to take for you as part of the service). No contact details are shared on our profiles ensuring you of a completely confidential service.

At each selection appointment you will be invited to select from a selection of members’ profiles carefully chosen for you. Of course since we have met all our clients we are able to answer questions you or they may have. Confidentiality is key and we only give details of first names.
Your profile may also be shown to suitable clients who might like to be introduced to you. It’s a two-way process.

We follow up every introduction and provide feedback. This process helps us to develop an even better understanding of you and enhance selections for your next visit.
“I’m so happy. We go away to Venice together on 19th April! I can’t wait. Thank you.”
Vikki, 51, Leeds
Our friendly and approachable team here at INTRO would love to get to know you. We have several levels of matchmaking membership and we can together work out which one is most suited to you. We think you will enjoy our more personal approach to dating.
Call us on 01625 909222, email the matchmaking team at hello@intro-nw.com or just fill out the simple form and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.
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