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2nd January predicted to be THE busiest day of 2017 for dating agencies

Did you know that Monday 2nd January 2017 is expected to be THE busiest day of the year for dating agencies and that Manchester is THE singles capital of the UK?

The first week of January sees the biggest increase in people joining dating agencies, this could be the optimum time for you to find a new partner. Sign ups are expected to increase by as much as 75%. This is partly due to New Year resolutions and people feeling motivated and ready to get out there and find someone new. It’s a big time for change in general and also the biggest time of the year for divorce. Valentine’s Day is looming and just the determination not to spend yet another Christmas as a singleton.

How best to go about it? There are numerous online dating services and apps, for example PlentyOfFish,, eHarmony and Tinder. Most first dates of the year take place on the second Saturday of January, when new couples have had an opportunity to chat online and make arrangements for a date.

Online dating is hugely popular and like anything has its pros and cons. It gives you easy access to a vast number of potential partners. Some sites offer personality questionnaires and use algorithms to match, communication is easy via the internet so you can liaise with a potential partner and get to know them a little more before meeting in person. On the downside, the choice can be rather overwhelming and daunting and you can feel rather like you are shopping for a suitable partner. Some of the matching tests can be rather general and could exclude someone who may have been a good match for you and without face-to-face interaction it is harder to evaluate a potential match online. Profile photographs and details aren’t verified, so a photo may be somewhat out of date or enhanced and members may stretch the truth when it comes to their age. If confidentiality and discretion are important to you, you may prefer not to have your profile listed on the internet.

It is advisable to consider online dating as a stepping stone to face-to-face dating and although the vast majority of individuals who use online dating services are honest there may be some exceptions and it is important to take a common sense approach. Never give out bank account or personal details, be wary of long distance and overseas relationships and take your time and trust your instincts when getting to know someone.

For those that don’t feel online dating is for them there are personal introduction and matchmaking agencies offering a more bespoke service with consultants meeting you in person. All clients have been personally interviewed and identity checked, giving you the confidence that anyone you are introduced to really is who they say they are, looks like their profile photograph and is genuinely available. Consultants prepare your personal profile with you, follow up for feedback after dates and are on hand for advice. These services have higher membership fees but offer a focused, professional service with the clear aim of finding suitable matches and real, long-term relationships for clients. The cost reflects the time and attention of the matchmaking consultants and if clients meet their match, it’s a very worthwhile investment.

Dating should be a fun experience but we would suggest following these safety tips:

  • Let a friend know where you're going and when you'll be home and keep them updated

  • Meet in a public place with lots of people around and never arrange to meet at your date’s home

  • Use your own transport to get to and from the date

  • Watch your alcohol intake and don’t leave your drink unattended

  • Keep your purse, wallet, phone, and personal items with you

  • Leave at any time if you feel uncomfortable, always remember your safety comes first

More than half of the people living in Manchester are single, that’s over 222,000 people. As a percentage of the city’s adults, this is more than any other major city in the UK. So, if you’re single and looking for a serious relationship this could be great news - there are to be precise 222,584 other people (just in Manchester) in exactly the same situation. The key is to meet the right one for you.

So why is Manchester the singles capital? This is partly due to the dynamic and developing economy of the city and surrounding area which is attracting more and more companies to relocate from other parts of the UK and the World. Add to this increasing divorce rates and a general trend to leave the forming of long-term relationships until later in life, you start to see why there are more singles here than anywhere else in the UK.

INTRO is a new type of matchmaking and personal introductions agency based in Manchester and Cheshire. Our experienced consultants have the expertise to match you with genuine potential partners. We get to know you as a person and meet with you for a face-to-face chat, so we can fully understand what you’re looking for in a potential partner. We also offer a guaranteed minimum number of introductions. We call it ‘Modern Matchmaking’ and are introducing people across Manchester, Cheshire and the North West right now.

To make the most of the best time of the year to join a dating agency why not contact INTRO for a no-obligation appointment with one of our approachable team.

T: 0161 468 2727

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