Are you sick and tired of being single? Do you feel like all your friends are in relationships? If being single is bringing you down, don’t despair - there are things you can do about it. What better time to take action than a new year? To improve your chances of meeting the right person right now, here are five tips to help you find that special someone and say goodbye to your single days.
1. Pursue your passions. If your goal is to meet someone new, it’s also important to remember that this person isn’t going to complete you. Instead, this person is going to complement you and your life. And this means that even if your number one priority for 2020 is to meet someone new, you should still make time to pursue your own interests that make you the special person you are. Remember, being single isn’t your identity, but neither is being in a relationship. It's really important to enhance your own life with activities just for you. That way, you can be your best and happiest self when you meet someone new.
2. Change your attitude. If you’ve had enough of being single, a new year is a great time to get rid of negative thoughts about being single. You’re not destined to be single forever so get this out of your head once and for all! While finding the right person isn't necessarily easy and can take time and energy, having a positive attitude is an important part of the process. If you keep telling yourself that you’re never going to meet someone, then you’re likely to be sending the wrong vibes. Be positive and remind yourself that being single is just a temporary stage in your life.
3. Take advantage of singles activities. Make the most of groups and get-togethers in your area that are aimed specifically for single people. And even if going solo to a singles event or signing up for a cycling group for singles sounds intimidating, this can be a great way to meet people who share a combined interest and are also single. In fact, there’s no better time than a new year to shake up your usual routine and look for opportunities to try different things that can expand your mind as well as your social circle.
4. Tell friends and colleagues that you're looking to meet someone. This might be outside of your comfort zone but why not take the initiative and let others know that you’re ready for a new relationship. Whether it’s a work colleague, a family friend or even your tennis instructor, why not ask them if they know someone suitable. You never know, they may already have someone in mind who’d be perfect for you, or they might know someone who knows someone.
5. Register with a professional matchmaking service. It's not easy meeting new, like-minded people and then of course they need to be single and ready for a relationship. It can take hours to trawl through online apps and did you know that a third of people who use online sites never actually go on a with someone they've met through the app? If your time is too precious to waste on people who might not be genuine - unfortunately more people lie on their dating profile than are completely honest - why not consider a personal introduction and matchmaking service? At Intro we meet you personally, we’re great listeners and we have specialists on our team to advise on relationships, image and style. We even create your personal profile for you. Most importantly we introduce you to people who are genuinely looking for a relationship. No apps or algorithms.... we offer a truly personal service.
Click here to find out more about the INTRO personal matchmaking service for professional people in the North West and how to pre-register for the January sale - only £100.

Looking to meet like-minded, successful single people? Join INTRO the NW's Matchmaking and Personal Introductions Agency. INTRO delivers an honest, professional and confidential matchmaking service to single people in Manchester, Cheshire, the North West and London. We are always looking for new male and female members to join our list of successful singles, request a call back or send us a message so that we can discuss your prospective membership with you.
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